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eBooks in the MacPhaidin Library: Early English Books Online (EEBO)

Information about how to obtain e-books in the MacPhaidin Library

About Early English Books Online

The Early English Books Online (EEBO) collection contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700. 

Titles from EEBO can be downloaded as PDF or TIFF images either as full-text or by a page range.  You can either view the PDF files on your computer or transfer the file to an e-reader.  Since material is downloaded as image files, using a device such as an iPad (or iPhone or iPod), Kindle Fire, Nook Color, or a color tablet may be best if you wish to transfer the file to an e-reader.

Before downloading material, you'll want to make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer!

Downloading Single Page Material from EEBO

Use the search or browse tools of EEBO to open the file containing the page you want to download:

 Use the page arrows to navigate to the desired page and then download using the PDF or TIFF icon.

Once the file is open, you can use the Next (or Previous) page links to navigate to the particular page you want to download.  From there, click the PDF or TIFF icon to download the file type to suit your needs.

Downloading Full Titles from EEBO

Use the search or browse feature of EEBO to find a particular title you'd like to download.  Once you find the title, click in the box, circled in red in the image below, to add to your Marked List (as a note, the box is not marked on the page).  The Marked List is populated during a browser session so you can add as many titles as you'd like by searching and clicking in the box (just don't close your internet browser).

After you've finished adding titles to your Marked List, click on the Marked List link at the top.   Here you will see all the titles you've added.  Use the link to download the title in full as a PDF file.  Depending on your browser settings, the PDF may open once it is downloaded or you will need to double-click on the file.

Off-Campus Access

Off-campus access to most of the library's databases is available. In order to use these resources from home, you will need to log in using your MyHill credentials - your username and password.

If you need assistance please contact the The Desk at 508-565-1313.

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