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PHOE: Photonics: Journals and Articles

Best Databases to Search

Google Scholar

Google Scholar


About Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a subset of Google Web Search that covers all subjects: science, the social sciences and humanities. You can search for scholarly literature, legal documents, books and reports. You can access Google Scholar directly or through the links located in LibGuides.

Many articles are in fulltext and available to anyone on the web, while others may be available through the library's databases.  Google Scholar does link to versions of papers and articles that are on publishers's web sites that require a fee to view; in this instance, use the library's interlibrary loan service If a site is asking you to purchase the the article. Be aware that not all search results in Google Scholar will provide scholarly material.

Google Scholar will also provide a list of references under each citation.  These citations can lead you to other resources on your research topic.


Finding Journal Articles When You Have A Citation

Already have a citation to an article? Use HillSearch to find journals and other periodicals the library has electronic access to or receives in paper. HillSeach also provides holdings on older print or microforms volumes.  

Search by journal title to access the catalog record. The record lists the database(s) and years the journal is available electronically as well information on print and microforms holdings.

Borrow Items from Interlibrary Loan

If Stonehill does not own the book, book chapter, or article you need, you can order it through our Interlibrary Loan Department. Please visit the Interlibrary Loan page on the library website to order materials or sign up for an account. Need help with a request or your Interlibrary Loan account? Contact Due to the possibility of mail delays, please order your items as soon as possible.

Quick Link to HillSearch

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