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Accessible Textbooks and Course Materials: Creative Commons

What is Creative Commons?

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.  Creative Commons licenses allow material to be shared and reused under terms that are flexible and legally sound.  If you're looking for content that you can freely and legally use, there are hundreds of millions of works, of all formats and genres, that are available to the public for free and legal use under the terms of a Creative Commons license. 

Creative Commons Licenses

Attribution     You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as you credit the original creator.

Attribution-ShareAlike     You may remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as you credit the original creator and license your new creation under an identical license. 

Attribution-NoDerivs     You may redistribute, commercially or non-commercially, as long as the work is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the original creator.  You cannot change the work in any way.

Attribution-NonCommercial     You may remix, tweak, and build upon the work, as long as you credit the original creator and use the creation for non-commercial purposes.

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike     You may remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as you credit the original creator and license your new creation under an identical license.

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs     You may share the work with others, but you cannot change it in any way or use it commercially.  You must credit the original creator.

Searching for CC Materials

Image result for search.creativecommons

Visit to quickly search for CC licensed materials in a variety of online resources, including Google, Flickr, and YouTube.

CC Decoded

Wanna Work Together?

Creative Commons License

Wanna Work Together? by Creative Commons is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license.  Please link to this page when providing attribution.

Best Practices for Attribution

So you've decided to use a work that contains a CC license?  

One condition of all CC licenses is attribution.  You can find some good (and not so good) examples of attribution here:

For more instruction on how to mark your own content with a CC license, see:


Assumption College. (2017). Creative commons. In Open Access & Scholarly Communication (LibGuide). Retrieved from

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