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AMA 10th Style Citation Guide: In-text Citations

AMA In-text citation

Each reference should be cited in the text, tables, or figures in consecutive numerical order, using arabic superscript numerals, e.g. the first source you cite in your text will be labelled with the superscript number 1, the second with the number 2, and so on.  If you cite the same source again later in your paper, use the same superscript number.

Superscript citation example:

Johnson et al.provided the results of their studies in 1975.

Westman5 reported eight cases in which lesions occurred.

Place superscript numbers outside of periods and commas, but inside of colons and semicolons.  When more than two references are cited at a given place in your paper, use hyphens to indicate a closed series; use commas without space to separate other parts of a multiple citation.

Multiple citation example:

As Smith et al. have reported,1-3,5

Smith et al. reported1-3,5:

It is recommended that you do not place a superscript reference citation immediately following a number. Instead, revise the sentence to prevent any possible confusion with an exponent.

Parenthetical citations should ONLY be used for items that do not occur in the references list, such as unpublished material, personal communications, and news articles. These citations may or may not include a title or author, but should include page numbers and, if possible, a DOI or URL.

Use only last names when mentioning authors in the text of your paper.  For a two-author source, list both last names.  For sources with more than two authors, include the first author's last name followed by et al.

Authors' names example:

Doe7 reported on the survey.

Doe and Roe8 reported on the survey.

Doe et al9 reported on the survey.


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