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Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI Use

Artificial intelligence

AI and Research

ChatGPT has significant promise in assisting at certain stages of the research process.

Generating research ideas, reviewing literature, data collection, and even data analyses are currently being explored to supplement research needs. On the flip side, the exploration has also thrown up the very real problems of 'hallucination', or fabricated information, that frequent ChatGPT results. The human responsibility of ensuring results are accurate continues to undermine its overall reliability as a research assistant; but the promise of working out kinks for a more reliable product holds firm in the face of continual and rapid improvements. 

Idea Generation:

ChatGPT can help jumpstart a research project with prompts such as:

1. Write a 300 word research idea on the topic of American soldiers in the Second World War as contrasted with the First World War.

2. Create a historiography of Samuel Adams with 15-20 sources.

3. Give me examples of protocols for growing different varieties of T cells.

4. Draft an outline for a 90-minute ALICE training for high school students.

Literature Review:

ChatGPT can help trawl and summarize literature that exists on the research topic. Prompts that would help in this stage of the research process are:

1. Has there been any published research on the topic of comparative soldier experience in the two world wars? Please give me real articles and do not make anything up.

2. Write me a comprehensive 500-word literature review of scholarly books written on Samuel Adams in the past twenty  years.

3. Create a bibliography of peer-reviewed papers on  T cell responses to COVID 19.

4. Summarize ten articles on the need for ALICE training in schools.

Data collection and analysis

There has been a steady and wide-ranging bid to use ChatGPT as a research assistant capable of compiling preliminary data for specific research topics with prompts such as these:

1. Suggest a data approach to research the role of American soldiers in world wars that would be suitable for publication in a mainstream history journal. 

2. How many times does Samuel Adams refer to the concept of "virtue" in the collated "Writing of Samuel Adams, 1722-1803'?

3. List the types of data to be collected for a longitudinal cohort study of T cells in the treatment of cancer.

A.I. and Education

AI and Learning

Generative AI is poised to affect pedagogy in a very real way. AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, Bing, Copilot, Gemini, Elicit, Perplexity, and Bard have been launched without parallel developments in safety protocols and citation styles that are shared and understood by all.

This is technology that cannot be ignored or banned or directed from above. It would be in the best interests of Stonehill faculty, instructors, staff, and students to come together on an ongoing journey to both keep up with the rapid development of generative AI and come to a common understanding in negotiating its use, while preventing its misuse.

How does one do this?

In a way that humans have always embarked on a journey – one step at a time!

Step 1 – Keep the Academic Mission in Mind:

It is a timely moment to both remember and remind each other that the stated Mission of Stonehill College is to provide each student with an education that fosters critical thinking, free inquiry and the interchange of ideas. Regurgitating information culled by others does not foster critical thought or encourage originality in scholarship. Chatbots have astonishing value in culling information but could easily discourage critical and independent thinking. Course assessments derived from non-written group projects and oral presentations or in-class and handwritten assignments would be more in keeping with the college mission.


Step 2 - Transparency:

Levels of acceptance in chatbot usage must be explicit. Chatbots are of significant use in gathering disparate sources in highly accessible ways. It has also proven skilled in generating text that is eminently plausible even when inaccurate. It is up to each course to set the standard for what is and is not permissible. Students cannot be penalized for what is not clearly labeled in this dynamic information ecosphere. Levels of acceptance or non-acceptance should be clearly stated in introductory class meets, syllabi, Canvas, and any other student-faculty communication platform.

For example:

  1. “Class assignments are devised to test your grasp of the subject and ability for independent thought. The use of chatbots would be considered counterproductive and may not be used for this assignment.”
  2. “The use of chatbots will need faculty permission if used toward completing class assignments. Users must be ready to explain why it is necessary.”
  3.  “If permitted, any written assignment using chatbot assistance will need to include citations. Given that generative AI is nonrecoverable, your citation should be based on APA, 7th edition, Personal Communication (Paraphrase chatbot content, personal communication, month day, year). Failure to reference this external source will be construed as academic misconduct.”

Step 3 – Flexibility

Emergent technology requires endless flexibility and willingness to deal with new usage. Remember when calculators were heralded as the death of mathematical minds? Acknowledging the lure of chatbot technology and discussing its advantages and pitfalls is good way to move forward.

A.I. & Teaching: A Community Conversation

AI and Living

AI is new. It is exciting. And scary. Hailed as a possible moment of 'Singularity', ushering in the unity of humans with machines, the use of AI in daily life is rapidly increasing. The ability of generative AI to expedite repetitive tasks, write code, simplify concepts, summarize texts, and provide boundless entertainment has led to a frenzy of usage in the daily life of humans.

Let's check out a few, shall we?

Job Searching

ChatGPT has the potential to assist in the job searching process. For example:

  • It can be prompted to generate a first draft of your resume: Show me the most current resume format for staff positions in a high school.
  • It can also help you set up priorities with prompts such as: What are the top three skills for a position as a high school counselor?
  • It can gather information on the institution and position for which you are applying
  • It can offer guidance on basic interview questions and skills as well as on follow-up protocols.


Travel companies have been using AI tools to expedite basic service. But if you want to have some personal fun and see if it works for you, prompts to organize your travel may be of help: I have 36 hours to spend in Vancouver. I like museums and spicy food. What should I see and what restaurants would you recommend?

Learning Languages

ChatGPT can assist with language learning by providing instant translations and help with vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation in a new language with prompts such as these:

Instant translations: What does the German word Weltschmerz mean?

Conversation help: I would like ten common phrases for ordering food in Italian.

Pronunciation: Please help me practice the rolling 'R' in French.


You might have already got used to the use of machines such as Fitbits that help you monitor your exercise schedules. AI can go further and help you set up plans aimed at specific outcomes, such as core strengthening, muscle building, and weight loss with prompts such as:

Design a 30-minute per day exercise program for me to lose 15lbs over the next one year.

I want to improve my posture by strengthening my core muscles. Please set out relevant exercises of 20 minutes duration per day  for a period of 8 weeks.

Food and meal planning

AI can be prompted to help plan meals. Recipes for food restricted diets, list of ingredients to shop for recipes, and formatted meal plans that exclude unwanted foods and include desired cooking genres are within the purview of generative AI. Examples:

I want a 5-day meal plan for a lactose-intolerant vegetarian who loves Asian foods.

I want the recipe for mushroom stroganoff. Please give a link to the online recipe so I can see the author.

List all ingredients and amount needed to make goulash for ten people. 


There have been multiple accounts of AI use for everything from screenplay writing to astrological predictions (C-Star). Tech writer, Brian X. Chen made an entertaining list of the use of AI to improve family time such as better gift-giving (DreamGift), customized storytelling incorporating names of family members as well as children's books with personalized illustrations (Midjourney).



AI has been around for a while now!

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