American Chemical Society. ACS Publications This link opens in a new windowOur ACS journal subscription provides access to a small core of journals. Access to ACS is limited to on-campus users in the SURE program during the summer months and must be accessed in the Science Building or the Library. Titles outside of our core come at a cost and must be used mindfully to maintain access to the titles. We have a limited number of tokens to use for the articles outside of our core titles. Once the tokens are gone, we are unable to get more.
Our Subscription allows us unlimited access to the following core titles:
Accounts of Chemical Research, ACS Chemical Biology, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Reviews, Environmental Science & Technology, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Chemical Education, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Organic Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry, & Langmuir.
If you have any questions about access to ACS journals, please contact