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eBooks in the MacPhaidin Library: Public Libraries

Information about how to obtain e-books in the MacPhaidin Library

Public Libraries Outside of Massachusetts

If you're not a resident of Masaschusetts and would like to learn more information about what e-books and audiobooks your public library may offer, you can search OverDrive to see if your public library is a member.  Be sure to use the library search to find yours!

Not sure which public library is yours?  You can search the Public Libraries database.

Looking For More Information About Massachusetts Libraries?

If you'd like more information about the services Massachusetts Libraries provide, you can find more information from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.

Massachusetts Library Networks

If you're unsure of your public library's network, use the map pictured below.  For a detailed list of member libraries of each network, use the links below to access online catalogs specific to your public library.

Note: The FLO network (Fenway Libraries Online) is an academic & special library network.

Massachusetts Library Networks' E-Book & Audiobook Catalogs

After determining your public library's network, you can use the corresponding links below to access their e-book and audiobook catalogs.  For any specific questions, you will want to contact your public library. 

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