This guide was designed to provide you with easy access to tools that will help you research the stories you prepare for this class. It also will provide you with links to tutorials for using the hardware and software you will use in this course.
The world's largest source of education information, with more than 1 million abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice.
The links below will provide you with access to statics about both state and federal educational programs, assessment efforts and school populations.
The Massachusetts Department of Education's website contains profile data for individual school as well as school districts, assement information (including MCAS) as well as information about special education and adult basic education.
The National Center for Education Statistics provides access to historical tables and reports that provide information on United States Education dating back to 1850.
The Department of Education establishes policy for, administers, and coordinates most Federal assistance to education. Its mission is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the Nation.