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First Year Seminar Companion: Learning Styles

This guide provides an online version of much of the material contained in Dr. Todd Gernes's "A First-Year Seminar Companion," created in September 2015. Faculty will find information on First-Year Seminar (FYS) guidelines, sample syllabi, learning style

Learning Styles Survey

Learning Style Survey, Summer 2015

An important part of the Guided Self-Placement (GSP) process is a brief learning-style survey students complete when they submit their GSP Essays.  In aggregate, the results of the survey comprise a snapshot of the incoming class, a kind of collective self-portrait reflecting attitudes toward reading and writing and their sense self-efficacy with regard to academic literacy.

1. How would you rate the process of completing the online writing placement essay? (n 609)

2. Select the answer that most closely resembles your writing process in completing your GSP Essay. (n 609)

3. Select the answer that most closely resembles your writing process in completing your GSP Essay.  (n 609)

4.  How would you rate your ability to create a strong thesis statement supported by reasoning and other evidence? (n 609)

5. In general, how do you feel about academic writing assignments? Choose the statement that best fits your experience. (n 609)

6. Choose the description that most closely matches your profile as a reader. (n 609)

7. Choose the learning style that best describes your preferred way of learning and processing new information. (n 609)

8. Given your past experience in academic writing, where is the first place you would seek assistance with a college writing assignment? (n 609)

9. Which of the following course categories seem most suitable for you? * †  

* Summer 2015 Self-Placement (n 609)

† Actual Fall 2015 Enrollment  (n 571)

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