HillSearchConducting a basic search in HillSearch
HillSearch uses Keyword Searching in one box.
Enter search terms (Title, Author, topic) in the box. Press Enter or click the arrow button.
Results that most closely match your search terms are listed first as the “Most Relevant” results.
These include materials the library owns as well as a preview of Journal articles. You can sort the list alphabetically by title or by date published.
The more often the search terms occur in an item's record, the more relevant that item is to the search.
The most recently published item in each section of relevancy will be listed at the top.
SEARCH TIP: When searching for a one word title, include a part of the author's name or a word describing the subject of the book to retrieve better results. Sometimes, a very specific search by title or author will be more successful if you use the Advanced Search.