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POL 380 Dirty Hands: Moral Dilemmas: Finding Books & Videos


Search the library's print and electronic collections of books, ebooks, videos, and more:
HillSearch allows you to limit your search using "facets." Once you complete a search, you will see a list of links along the left-hand side of your serach results. To limit your results to a location in the library, a particular format, or language, chose the corresponding facet to limit your search results.
More information about using HillSearch is available HERE.

Search WorldCat Via MacPhaidin Library

 Click to search WorldCat

Use WorldCat to search thousands of libraries' catalogs. You can serach by title, author, keyword and other search options. If Stonehill does not own a book or other item you would like to use, you can discover whom in Massachusetts or the world might own it. WorldCat has an interactive link with our interlibrary loan system.

Google Books

Google Books can be used to search the full text of books from title to index. You can search for certain phases in a book, search the index and get a preview of the book's content. If you find a relevant book you can download a complete book if it is in the public domain.  You can purchase books to be loaded on to an iPhone, iPad, or other device. You can also request books that are relevant to your research by using the library's interlibrary loan system, Illiad.

Full View: You can access the complete work if it is out of copyright or if the author or publisher has allowed the book to be available in a fully viewable format. You can view any page and if the book is in the public domain you can download, save or print a PDF version. You can search the content of the book.

Limited Preview:  A limited number of pages from the book will be available for viewing and content searching is allowed.

Snippet View: Just a few sentences to display your search term in context of the book. Publishing information is available at this level.

No Preview Available: Just the basic bibliographic information about the book will be displayed.

Google Book Search
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