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Moral Inquiry & Catholic Intellectual Traditions: Home

Catholic Intellectual Traditions & Moral Inquiry

Generally taken in the third year, these two pivotal courses raise important questions about values, ethics, faith, and belief. The main goal of Moral Inquiry courses is to provide students with the ability to understand the varying or conflicting solutions that, in a global world, have been proposed to fundamental moral and ethical questions. Courses that fulfill the Catholic Intellectual Traditions (CIT) requirement explore, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, enduring questions, both theological and philosophical, that emerged from and shaped Catholicism, from ancient times to the present. Some examples are: What is the meaning of human nature? What is the best human life to live? What is the nature of the universe? In some cases, one course may fulfill both the Moral Inquiry Requirement and the CIT requirement.

Faculty: Course Proposal Forms

Faculty members who wish to propose a new course to fulfill a CIT or Moral Inquiry requirement, or add a distribution designation to an existing course, should contact Liz Chase at New proposal forms are forthcoming and will be added to MyHill when available.

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