The Academic Writer* has not been updated to the 7th edition.
The Purdue OWL has archived the APA 6th style guide.
*despite notation on their website
This is a guide for citing resources using the American Psychological Association (APA) style of citation. Use APA to cite sources within the social sciences, education and business subjects. Please refer to your class syllabus or consult your professor to see if this is the correct citation style for your class.
Why Cite Sources?
When do I need to cite?
You need to acknowledge whenever you borrow quotes or ideas. The following are when you need to cite:
American Psychological Association Citation Style
This is a guide for citing resources using the American Psychological Association (APA) style of citing. APA is used to cite resources within the social sciences. Please refer to your class syllabus or consult your professor to see if this is the correct citation style for your class.
This guide will provide you with examples of the most used commonly used resources. If you do not see a resource represented on these pages, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th edition. This manual can be found in the library, in the citation center bookcase, located between across study room 102. This guide also provide the user with a link to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL), and a link to RefWorks, an online citation tool.
Each entry has a pattern, a diagram of what bibliographic information is needed to create a citation for the References section of your paper.
Zotero is an application that collects, manages, and cites research sources. It's easy to use and connects with your web browser to dowload citation information from books, journal articles, web pages, and other sources. Best of all it's free. ZoteroBib is a free, fast citation generator similar that is similar to (but in our experience, more accurate and reliable than) tools such as EasyBib and NoodleTools. Our Zotero LibGuide explains how to use these tools.