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ACS Style Guide American Chemical Society: American Chemical Society Style - ACS

Welcome to the American Chemical Society ACS Style Citation Guide

This is a guide for citing resources using the American Chemical Society (ACS) style of citation. ACS is used to cite resources in chemistry. Please refer to your class syllabus or consult your professor to see if this is the correct citation style for your class.

This guide will provide you with examples of the most commonly used resources.  If you do not see a resource represented on these pages, please refer to the The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information. This manual can be found in the library, in the citation center bookcase, located between room 110 and Reference desk.

This guide also provide the user with a link to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL), and a link to RefWorks an online citation tool in addition to printable citation style guides and other useful links.

Online Manual

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