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Implementing the ACRL Framework: Home

Internal MacPhaidin Library guide on how we will implement the ACRL Frameworks for the MacPhaidin Library.

Ultimate Goals

  • Develop librarians' ability to create flexible implementations of the Frameworks appropriate for discipline, course level and faculty's learning outcomes 
  • Consistent information literacy experience for students across disciplines and librarian presenters
  • Articulated information literacy outcomes shared with the Stonehill community 
  • Guidelines for integrating information literacy outcomes into the Stonehill curriculum
  • Explore possibility for combined IT/Library technology and information literacy module/course (encompassing digital and information literacy ie metaliteracy).

2016-2017 Academic Year Plan

Team Refresher: Team conversation about where our plans currently stand, what documentation we've created, go over calendar and next steps.

WORKING WEEK November 16
1. Identify potential Spring Faculty partners we could target for Frameworks partnerships. These do not need to be full-semester projects; instead, this could entail re-envisioning a one-shot instruction program, rethinking a particular set of class consults, etc. 
2. Identify and work on revising or enhancing class plans on the Curriculum LibGuide

November 23
No meeting - Thanksgiving

MEETING WEEK November 30
Discuss potential Spring Faculty partnership ideas, come up with a target group that would span a number of departments. Determine who will work on revising/updating specific sections of the Curriculum LibGuide.

Work on editing and updating Curriculum LibGuide; contact faculty regarding potential partnerships.

MEETING WEEK December 14
Review updated Curriculum LibGuide, discuss updates on spring faculty partnerships.

Prepare for Spring faculty partnerships

1. Conduct a series of small faculty pilot partnerships; maintain documentation about classes, obtain feedback, etc. Further plans for these partnerships will be outlined in consultation with the faculty members and Head of CAUE. Ideally, some of these partnerships will also entail a Library presence in eLearn.
2. Build eLearn content that can be imported into classes 

January 18
Start of semester check-in with Faculty and team about pilot partnerships. Determine responsibilities for building eLearn content.

February 15
Check in on pilot partnerships and eLearn content creation.

March 15
Check in on pilot partnerships and eLearn content creation.

April 12
Check in on pilot partnerships and eLearn content creation.

May 3
Final report-out on spring pilots and finalizing eLearn content.

Summer 2017
Work on refining and polishing documentation from Spring 2017; finalize public websites and libguides re: ACRL Frameworks program. Roll out eLearn modules to full faculty for incorporation into fall courses.

Fall 2017
ACRL Curriculum launch; could we be scheduled to present briefly during the All Faculty meeting?

Action Items/Events

By 9/30: 
Please read through the ACRL frameworks and begin generating ideas/questions/concerns, and please also review the conference events for the LOEX Fall Focus meeting:
We will have a discussion on 9/30 about which events we'd ideally like to have representation at (between Heather and Trish).

Week of October 5th: 
Each librarian will take one of the DisCo teaching templates and annotate it with ideas for how it could be revised to better map to the Frameworks.

October 14th: 
Part of reference meeting will be devoted to talking about the template mapping project.

Week of October 19th

Research into existing frameork programs and mission statement; each librarian locates 2-3 programs, curriculum plans or mission statements.

October 28th:
 Group creates document summarizing our work so far to share with Cheryl.

November 4th: 
First framework meeting with Cheryl; discussion of learning styles (Quiz coming from Liz).

November 13-14: 
Trish and Heather attending LOEX fall break out on ACRL Frameworks; they will be bringing back ideas we can implement locally.
Other team members: working to add ACRL language to Faculty Librarian Collaboration template.

November 18th: 
In our meeting with Cheryl, Trish and Heather report out on the takeaways from the Loex Fall Focus.


December 2: Meeting to discuss and learn about rubric design.


January 27: Reference team began discussion of an Instruction Program mission statement. 

  • What do we see as the core aspects of our current instruction program?
  • Who is this statement for?

February 3: Discuss questions below:

  • What are we ideally providing students as skills?
  • What is our vision for where we'd like to be?
  • From the book Made to Stick: "Sticky" ideas share six key qualities: Simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotional, stories. (ie simplicity could mean we save you time, and unexpectedness could mean "see us now, reap the benefits later," as we don't always present things as having a long term payoff.

For next week: Begin to brainstorm ideas for institution-specific dispositions (following on the model of, and find sample mission statements to add to the libguide.

February 10: Team members share sample mission statements for other instruction programs. Begin discussion of language for institution-specific dispositions.

For next week: I will share a OneDrive file that has space to add disposition language. For the 17th, please add your language for specific dispositions at the 100 through 400 levels based on ACRL Frameworks language. 

February 17: Working meeting to workshop disposition language ideas and come away with a full draft.

For next week: I will share the full draft with everyone by Friday; for next Wednesday please make any corrections and add any questions/comments.

February 24: Finalize draft of dispositions table. EDIT: Continued work on dispositions table and mission statement.

March 2: We will share the draft with faculty and library staff for feedback; we will invite faculty who have participated in FLPP, retreats, and/or instruction to provide feedback either electronically or by meeting with a liaison.

UPDATE: Share finalized mission statement with library staff; work on additional revisions to Dispositions/KP tables.

March 9:  Spring break week; distribute mission statement to library staff.

March 16:  Work on Habits/Skills template 

March 23: Habits/Skills template continued

March 30:  Work deferred for HARI demo conversation, etc.

April 6: Finalize Habits/Skills template

April-August plan (HP taking over while Liz is on leave):

  • Finalize Habits/Skills template
  • Ask team for common classes/faculty learning objectives that fit within 100-level expectations on the templates as potential starting points for creating class plans/activity plans (does not have to be something that requires full 50 or 75 minute class depending on the habit/skill addressed)
  • Start to create sample learning objectives and class plans to show faculty how an active learning session could address some of the habits/skills listed:
    • PRIORITY 1: Select one horizontal line from each template (habits/skills) to create class plans that show the 100 - 400 level progression (8 class plans)
    • PRIORITY 2: 1 - 100 level class plan/activity plan that addresses each of the six frames (12 total class plans, 6 from the skills page and 6 from the habits page; may overlap with the 8 already created)
    • Total: 18 class plans/activity plans
  • Continue to research what other institutions are doing, see if there's anything we can customize to us (as we've done with the template)

Basic class template format:

  • Learning objectives
  • Time/Duration
  • Intended discipline
  • Plan


Questions/Concerns/"Challenge List"

Your Librarian

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Trish McPherson
Library Room 109-B
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