Welcome to our guide to accessible texts. This page is meant to be a resource for faculty who wish to explore how to lessen the cost burden on their students by making textbooks and other course materials available for free. This page is an evolving resource, we will be adding things as we discover them and we welcome your comments, suggestions, input, and questions. To reach the library to ask a question or suggest an addition to the page please contact librarydeskgroup@stonehill.edu. We welcome your input!
The tabs on this page are meant to help you find the resources that you need. This page explaining the rationale behind using Open Access texts. The Search Tools tab provides search tools that will help you search multiple Open Access repositories at the same time, these tools search across all disciplines. The Textbooks tab provides access to the largest and most useful collections, you will want to use this tab regardless of your discipline, as most of these repositories are multidisciplinary. The Books and Journals tab provides access to collections of journals and monographs that are freely available. The Faculty Resources tab has a collection of articles about the topic, and how others have implemented accessible text initiatives. The OA Explained tab has a great deal of material about Open Access in general. Each disciplinary tab has material specific to the discipline. Finally, the Other Models/Initiatives tab has links to DEIJ initiatives at other schools and information about these initiatives.
Affording textbook and course materials costs can pose challenges for students.
Nationally, the average undergraduate student spends over $1,200 a year on textbooks and other course materials. This can result in students not buying the textbook, or cutting costs in other ways. The library is here to help faculty find and use alternative, high quality, low cost materials in their courses. This can help students save money, and provide them with greater opportunities to complete course readings.
There are 3 main ways that faculty can provide students with materials at a lower cost.
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