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English: 19th Century Literature

this guide is to designed to help you with research for your English classes.

Resources for Researching 19th Century Lit.

19th century Journals in the MacPhaidin Library

Nineteenth Century Journals Held in the MacPhaidin Library
TITLE Place of Publication Coverage  Notes
All the year round London 1859-1893 Charles Dickens,ed.
Amer. Jrnl. Of Sci. + Arts New Haven 1818-1879 AmJofScience (above)
American Eclectic New York 1841-1843
American Jrnl. Of Sci.  New Haven 1880-present later issues/regular stacks
Andover Review Boston 1884-1893
Appleton's Journal New York 1869-1881 incl.Appleton'sJ.of Lit,Sci&Art
The Arena Boston 1889-1908
Argosy London 1866-1901 some gaps
Bay State Monthly Boston 1884-1885 cont.byNewEngl.Mag (below)
Bentley's Miscellany London 1837-1868 complete run
Blackwood's Magazine London 1839-1935
Book-Lore London 1884-1887 ceased in 1887
The Bookworm London 1888-1894 illustrated literature-complete
British Quarterly Review London 1845-1886 complete run
Chamber's (Edinburgh) Jrnl. London 1832-1937 3 different titles in run
Chautauquan NY (state) 1880-1914 complete run
The Citizen Philadelphia 1895-1898 complete run
Commercial Review
Conservative Review Washington 1899-1901 complete run
Cornhill Magazine London 1860-1937
DeBow's Review New Orleans 1850-1870 3 different titles in run
Dublin Review London 1897-1961 some gaps in holdings
Dublin University Magazine Dublin/London 1833-1877 some gaps in holdings
Eclectic Magazine New York 1844-1906
Eclectic Museum New York 1843-1843
Edinburgh Review Edinburgh 1802-1929 gaps
English Illustrated Magazine London 1883-1909
Every Saturday Boston 1866-1874 complete run
Foreign Quarterly London 1827-1846 complete run
Fraser's Magazine London 1858-1882 2 different titles in run
The Globe Philadelphia 1889-1902
Historical Magazine Morrisania NY 1857-1873
Hours at Home New York 1865-1870 complete run
Household Words London 1850-1859 complete run
Intellectual Observer London 1862-1868 complete run
International Monthly Burlington VT 1900-1902 gaps
International Quarterly Burlington VT 1902-1906 complete run
International Review New York 1874-1883 complete run
Macmillan's Magazine London 1859-1907 complete run
Magazine of American Hist. New York/Portchester NY 1877-1917 2 different titles in run
Magazine of History New York 1905-1922
Massachusetts Magazine Salem MA 1908-1916
Masters in Art Boston 1900-1907
Masters in Music Boston 1903-1905 complete run
McClure's Magazine New York 1900-1914
Mthly Microscopical Jrnl + tran.. London 1869-1877 complete run
Municipal Affairs New York 1897-1903 complete run
Music Chicago 1891-1902 complete run
Nash's & Pall Mall Magazine London 1915-1927 continuesPallMallMagazine
National Review New York 1855-1864 complete run
New England Magazine Boston 1886-1917 continuesBayStateMonthly
New Englander & Yale Review New Haven 1843-1892 continued by Yale Review
New Monthly Magazine London 1821-1870 aka Colburn'sNewMonthly
New Review London 1889-1897 complete run
New World Boston 1892-1900 complete run
New York Review New York 1837-1842 complete run
North British Review Edinburgh 1844-1846
North British Review New York 1846-1871 American ed.
Notes and Queries London 1849-1928  1978 to Stacks
Pall Mall Magazine London 1893-1914 complete run
Radical Review New Bedford 1877-1877
Scribner's Magazine New York 1887-1911
Scribner's Monthly New York 1870-1881
University Magazine London 1878-1880 continues Dublin U.Mag (above)
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