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Web & Social Media Team: Social Media Icons

Notes on Copying/Pasting the Icons

Our social media icons -- Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest -- are formatted in such a way that you can simply copy and paste them into virtually any application and they will work as links.  

Using the Social Media Icons in Your Outlook Signature

To add the social media icons to your Outlook signature, follow these steps:

In Outlook:

1.  Click on FILE tab.

2.  Click on OPTIONS in the left hand pane.

3.  Click on MAIL in the left hand column.

4.  Click on the SIGNATURES button on the right side.

In the bottom section to edit your signature(s), simply copy and past the text and images below:



    Transformation via Discovery: Explore Evaluate Engage





Once you are finished, click OKAY twice to exit the menus.

Social Media Icons


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Transformation via Discovery: 
Explore Evaluate Engage

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