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Implementing the ACRL Framework: Instruction Planning with Faculty

Internal MacPhaidin Library guide on how we will implement the ACRL Frameworks for the MacPhaidin Library.

(1) Email to Faculty

When faculty email requesting course assistance or instruction sessions, here are some templates for response:

Instruction session:
Dear [  ]:
I would be happy to work with your students during an instruction session. Could you please tell me more about your goals for the session so that I can plan an appropriate activity? Please let me know what stage students will be at in their assignment, and include a copy of the assignment and syllabus. 

I have also attached the Faculty Librarian Collaboration Template we have created to show the various ways librarians can interact with students at different points in their work.

[  ]

Conversations with Faculty

Initial Conversation with Faculty:

  • What do you think your students don't know that they need to know?
  • What are your "threshold concepts" from a disciplinary perspective?

From this conversation, begin to use this space to plan what we'd want a Fall 2016 FLC to contain as a way of "piloting" this program.

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