On our LibGuides homepage you will find links to Guides for all of the different disciplines. Within each subject guide you can find discipline specific books, databases, internet sources, and citation guides. Choose a subject guide when you are looking for resources in a particular discipline
You can also find Course Guides that have been created to help you find the resources you need for specific classes are also listed. If you do not find the course guide you are looking for, ask a reference librarian for help.
In addition to the above, Citation Guides, Faculty Guides, How-To Guides and Guides created for Offices and Organizations can also be accessed on the LibGuides homepage.
For any questions, please visit our website or contact us via email Tutoring-services@stonehill.edu.
Shannon Balliro, Ed. D., Director of Advising and Academic Success
Leona O'Neil, Coordinator of Tutoring Services