The MacPhaidin library participates in the Federal Depository Library Program and in the past years received paper and microfiche copies of Congressional hearings, document from the Senate and the House of Representatives and other Congressional publications. With the advent of the Internet many of these documents are available in electronic format and are accessible online.
When the library first starting receiving documents from the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) in the early 1960's, all document were in paper format but as technology developed the FDLP began to offered publications in microfiche format and now online.
The library's collection of Congressional documents reflects these changes in technology and the MacPhaidin library no longer officially selects Congressional documents and relies on the GPO's FDsys database and from the Library of Congress to access to these materials.
This guide it a tool to assist you in locating these documents.
The librarians can assist you in locating Congressional publications that are available online in addition to older publications available in print or microform formats.