Off-campus access to most of the library's databases is available. In order to use these resources from home, you will need to log in using your MyHill credentials - your username and password.
If you need assistance please contact the The Desk at 508-565-1313.
This guide has been designed to give you easy access to the resources most frequently used for EDU 215. The home page of this guide will provide you with information about how you can contact the librarians and when. Use the tabs on the top of the page to access specific resources. Those resources include:
Finding Articles- When you click on this tab, you will be presented with an annotated list of the electronic databases used most frequently for education. These databases will provide you with access to articles and reviews appearing in scholarly, peer reviewed journals as well as items published in popular sources such as news magazines, newspapers and trade publications. This page will also provide you with a link to Google Scholar and the library's full text finder (the tool you can use to determine if we have electronic access to a particular journal.)
Finding Books and Videos - This page will give you access to two library catalogs, HillSearch and WorldCat Catalog. Hillsearch will list all books, periodicals, and audio-visual materials. The WorldCat catalog contains records from libraries across the country and around the world. It can be used to order items from interlibrary loan. In addition HillSearch will give you direct access WorldCat when searching using the article tab. You can also browse the Main Stacks and Curriculum Collection. Materials in the study of Education will be found in the curriculum collection on the first floor of the library, and in the LB and LC sections on the third floor of the library.
Books from the Catalog - This page contains a curated list of reference, print, and eBook titles in the field of special education, with a focus on language literacy.
From the Web - This page provides links to websites that have content relevant to the subject matter of the class. New websites can be added as suggested.
Streaming Videos - This page contains a curated collection of links to streaming videos relevant to this course. You can also use HillSearch to locate an online video that can be watched anywhere, anytime.
APA 7th Citation Guide - Clicking on this tab will bring you to a library-created guide to citing your sources using APA 7th edition. Choose the type of source (book, journal article, etc.) to access APA format, example citations, and useful tips.
If Stonehill does not own the book, book chapter, or article you need, you can order it through our Interlibrary Loan Department. Please visit the Interlibrary Loan page on the library website to order materials or sign up for an account. Need help with a request or your Interlibrary Loan account? Contact Due to the possibility of mail delays, please order your items as soon as possible.
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