We are pleased to announce and highlight the Music and Video Synthesis project led by Jim Bohn and Katie Elia-Shannon from Stonehill College’s Communication Department, funded by Digital Innovation Grant from the Digital Innovation Lab at the MacPháidín library. The grant will continue Bohn's investigation of video synthesis started using the Critter and Guitari EYESY from a previous Digital Innovation Grant. This time around he will be investigating the Sleepy Circuits Hypno. Elia-Shannon will then build upon Bohn's research generate video to be used in her Digital Media Production courses. Bohn will ultimately create four music videos and will document his results and process in his blog: noisefloor. Elia-Shannon will bring the research into the classroom by having her student's create and incorporate videos into their projects. We are excited to see how the project evolves over this semester and beyond and how their research helps build digital skills amongst students and across campus. 

If you would like to learn more about Digital Innovation Grants and the work of the Digital Innovation Lab, please email Garrett McComas, Digital Scholarship Librarian at gmccomas@stonehill.edu.