Search by Company Name
Type Company Name at cursor prompt and hit the <help> key
Example: Google<help><go>
Search by Ticker Symbol:
To find the ticker symbol of a company :
Type TK<go>, then type Company Name<go>
If you know the ticker symbol of the company, type Ticker Symbol<equity><go>
Company Profile
With the equity screen displayed, type BICO<go>
Company Financials
type Ticker Symbol<equity><go> and choose "Fundamentals and Estimates"
or go directly by typing:
For definitions and information on calculations in a company's financial statement type FDO<go>
Type Ticker symbol <Equity> DES <GO>
GOOG US <Equity> DES <GO>
Google Company Description
GOOG US <Equity> HP <GO>
Google's historical prices
GOOG US <Equity> GP <GO>
Graphical priices for Google
GOOG US <Equity> CN <GO>
Company News for Google