These document types are from EBSCO Business Source Premier. The APA formats are based on information from the APA Style website.
Country Report with Organizational Author
IHS Markit. (2020, November 25). Netherlands country monitor.
Country Report with Individual Author
Youngblood-Coleman, D. (2020). Brazil country review. CountryWatch.
Fragment of a Country Report
EBSCO's Business Source Premier includes records that are parts of a larger document. EBSCO will suggest an APA citation format that looks like this:
Coleman, D. Y. (2013). Government Structure. In Ireland Country Review (pp. 67–71).
or this:
Political Conditions. (2013). In Spain Country Review (pp. 9–35).
Neither suggested format is correct.
Instead, here are the correct formats, repectively:
CountryWatch. (2013). Ireland country review.
Coleman-Young, D. (2020). Spain country review. CountryWatch.
If the document fragment text includes a named person as the author, use that name as the author, otherwise use the organization name as the author. Do not include a named person as the author if the name only appears in theEBSCO suggested format, but not in the text itself.
Industry Profile
Marketline. (2020, May). Global air freight.
SWOT Analysis
MarketLine. (2020, April 20). Carlsberg A/S.
Background Note
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs. (2008, July). Background note: Ireland. U.S. Department of State.
EBSCO databases, including Business Source Premier, suggest an incorrect APA format for Background Notes.
EBSCO will also refer to fragments of Background Notes as if they were whole publications, giving the fragments titles like “Economy” or “Government and Political Conditions”.
Whether you are using an entire Background Note, or just a fragment, it must be cited as an entire Note. If you use a fragment of a Background Note, search Business Source Premier for the entire note and follow the format given above.
For more about the correct format, see APA Style, “Webpage on a website with a government agency group author” (