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HIS 420/430 - History Thesis



This guide was created to help you with your research for HIS 425 - History Lab and HIS 430 - History Thesis. It will provide you easy access to the library resources frequently used for history.  Additionally, you'll find links to a variety of primary source collections in digital and physical repositories. Use the tabs on the left side of the page to access specific resources. Those resources include:

Reference Materials - For background information, definitions, and basic facts, consult the subject-specific encyclopedias, dictionaries, and sourcebooks listed on this page. They are located in the Reference section on the first floor. Reference items are for use only in the library. History materials can be found in the C - F sections of the collection. Ask a Reference librarian for help, if needed.

Print and Electronic Books - This page will give you access to two library catalog: HillSearch. The HillSearch function allows you to use one platform to search for books and other materials held in the library, electronic books, scholarly journal articles and other resources. The WorldCat catalog contains records from libraries across the country and around the world. it can be used to order items from inter-library loan.

Finding Articles -This page provides annotated list of the electronic databases used most frequently for history topics. These databases will give  you with to articles appearing in scholarly, peer reviewed journals as well as items published in popular sources such as news magazines, newspapers and trade publications. This page will also provide you with a link to Google Scholar and the library's full text finder (the tool you can use to determine if we have electronic access to a particular journal.)

Primary Sources  in Library Collections -  This tab provides you access to an annotated list of the library's subscription primary source databases and information on how to search for primary source material in Stonehill Library collections using HillSearch, the library Catalog.

Primary Sources in U.S. History -  This page gives you access to a number of digitized primary source collections, Those collections have been divided into topical areas including: Black History, Women's History, LGBTQ History, and Native American History. The sites on this list represent a fraction of those available. Consult your professor or a librarian for recommendations on sites relevant to your research.

Primary Sources in World History -  This page provides access to digitized primary source collections and is organized geogeaphically.

Stonehill College Archives -  This page links you to Stonehill College's Archives and Special Collections. Founded in April 1966 by Brother James Posluscny, C.S.C. with the goal of preserving the College's history, the College Archives currently holds more than 600 linear feet of records, photographs, and artifacts from the mid-eighteenth century to the present.

Area Archives, Museums and Repositories - This page provides links to museums, historical societies and other institutions located throughout Massachusetts and New England that have repositories of historical material. This list represents a small number of such institutions. Consult with your professor or a librarian on additional sites that might have material related to your research.

Streaming Media - Stonehill subscribes to several streaming databases providing access to documentary films, historical news footage, and more.

Reading in History -  On this page you will find suggestions for honing your historical reading skills with a particular focus on sourcing, contextualizing, corroboration and close reading.

Citing Your Research - This tab will provide you with access to an electronic version of the Chicago Manual of Style. Copies of the manual as well as other citation documentation is available at the reference desk. On this tab you will also find a link to RefWorks, an online citation management tool.


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