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HCA 220 Healthcare Policy and Politics: Home

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Shannon Balliro, Ed. D., Director of Advising and Academic Success

Leona O'Neil, Assistant Director of Tutoring Services

Term Paper Project

Over the course of the semester, you will write a comprehensive policy analysis on a healthcare topic of your choosing using the structure of Bardach's Eightfold Path:

Use Bardach's Eightfold Path to explore, analyze, and present a solution(s) for your chosen healthcare issue.  There should be sections in your paper clearly labeled with these titles: Define the Problem, Assemble Some Evidence, Construct the Alternatives, Select the Criteria, Project the Outcomes, Confront the Trade-offs, Decide, and Tell Your Story.

You must use APA formatting (in-text citations throughout and a reference list at the end of the paper) to cite your sources.

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Lindsay Boezi
MacPhaidin Library 111C

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