The ACS provides estimates of demographic, housing, social, and economic characteristics every year for states, counties, metropolitan areas, cities, and population groups of 65,000 people or more.
The Statistical Abstract of the United States, is a fascinating and authoritative collection of facts and figures covering virtually every aspect of American life. The official Federal summary of statistics is derived from both government and private statistical sources ”this reference covers everything from agriculture to construction, forestry to law enforcement, and national security to transportation. It is a continuation of the Statistical Abstract of the United States that was published by the Bureau of the Census department.
The Statistical Abstract of the United States spans the years 1878 to 2012. The Abstract has summary tables of the most important United States statistics. The 2012 was the last volume printed by the Bureau of the Census. The newer editions are available in print Statistical Abstract of the United States - ProQuest.
The American Marketplace draws on scores of government sources to give you a population profile of the United States in one handy volume. Its hundreds of tables are organized into 11 chapters covering attitudes, education, health, housing, income, labor force, living arrangements, population, spending, time use, and wealth. (from record)