Use this tab as your starting point for accessing the resources available through the MacPhaidin Library. Currently, you can download e-books from:
Did you know that many of our additional Databases offer you the ability to download material as a PDF file? PDF files can be saved to your computer and then transferred to your e-reader! If you'd like to learn how to transfer PDF files to your e-reader, we've created a Working With PDF Files page to assist you.
There are multiple resources available from the MacPhaidin Library that offers patrons the ability to download files and text as PDF files. Although PDF files can be read on computers, you can also view PDF files on several e-readers for added portability:
While PDF files may not be as interactive as e-book files, PDF files have a universal standard and are easy to use "on the go." To learn more about how to use PDF files on your e-reader or portable device, check out our resource for Working With PDF Files.
Off-campus access to most of the library's databases is available. In order to use these resources from home, you will need to log in using your MyHill credentials - your username and password.
If you need assistance please contact the The Desk at 508-565-1313.