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United States Congressional Resources

Committee Reports and Documents (The Serial Set)

Congressional Committees authors or commissions reports on individual bills. These reports accompany the bills that are voted out of committee. Reports describe the purpose and scope of the bill and reason for approval of the measure. Committee Report and Committee Documents are combinded into a collection called the Serial Set. The library has the documents that make up the Serial Set from 1964 to the present. The year of the Committee Report/Committee Document dictates the format.combinded into a collection called the Serial Set. The library has the documents that make up the Serial Set from 1964 to the present. The year of the Committee Report/Committee Document dictates the format.

The library has the following years in paper and microfiche format.

88th - 95th Congress (1964-1978) Government Documents PAPER SERIAL SET

96th - 103rd Congress (1979-1995) MICROFICHE SERIAL SET


Congressional Hearings

Hearings are an important component of the legislative process. They provide transcripts of testimony of witnesses, questions from committee members, discussion and supplementary materials such as exhibits, reports, statistics, letters and magazine articles. Print copies are still considered the authoritative version.

In recent years the GPO has been providing fulltext access to Congressional hearings, but earlier Congresses in the 1990's and 2000's have incomplete online collections. 

Paper format hearings:

88th Congress to 96th, 1st session (1964-1979) second floor in the compact shelving.

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